On November 25th, the Webinar “WP4: Technological Revamping”, organized within the ALGAVALOR Project, was held as part of the MICROBIOTEC21 Webconference! More than 60 participants attended the online event via Zoom platform.
Speakers at the event: Maria Barbosa (Wageningen university), Pedro Geada (U. Minho), Pedro Cunha (Allmicroalgae), Henrique Sousa (U. Porto), Mariana Carneiro (Necton), Daniel Figueiredo (LNEG), Cátia Costa (I. P. Leiria) , Joana Ortigueira (LNEG), moderated by Jose Teixeira (University of Minho).
WP4, a Work Package within the P2020 ALGAVALOR project, has the main goal to development of new technologies that will allow for higher energy efficiency and sustainability in the industrial-scale production of microalgae, reducing operating costs while maintaining the quality of produced biomass.

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