As the world seeks for alternative, sustainable and healthy plant-based products, Allmicroalgae focuses into the research and development of market solutions capable of meeting and potentiating the new consumption needs.
While focusing on the food and feed industry, Allmicroalgae aims to provide exclusive and innovative microalgae products, with enhanced nutritional and organoleptic profile, that could be used as ingredients or supplements in the development of unique food products.
Meet our novel and functionally-improved Chlorella vulgaris strains:
Honey Chlorella vulgaris
This yellow fine Chlorella vulgaris is a high-quality source of micronutrients, approved as food supplement and as food ingredient and exclusively grown heterotrophically.
It contains above 35% protein per dry weight, which includes all the essential amino acids. The total fatty acid content, 7%, is mainly composed of omega-6 and omega-9, moreover it has a high fiber content. Additionally, this strain contains added-value compounds such us the natural pigment lutein, and a vast array of minerals and vitamins, namely phosphorus, zinc and vitamin B12.
This non-GMO natural food colouring agent has soft texture and mild pleasant flavor, with no additives or preservatives. It has the perfect characteristics to be used as a food & beverage ingredient to formulate functional and innovative food, for food supplementation, as animal feed ingredient and supplement, and also in cosmetic formulations.

White Chlorella vulgaris
White fine Chlorella vulgaris strain is a high-quality source of micronutrients, also approved as food supplement and as food ingredient and exclusively grown heterotrophically.
It contains over 40% protein per dry weight, containing all essential amino acids, a high fiber content and low-fat profile. Additionally, it contains high value compounds such us the natural pigment phytoene, and a vast array of minerals and vitamins.
This non-GMO natural food colouring agent is characterized by its soft texture, neutral/slight algae flavor, and characteristic smell, with no additives or preservatives. It is perfect to use as a food & beverage ingredient to formulate functional and innovative food, for food supplementation, as animal feed ingredient and supplement and also in cosmetic formulations.

About Chlorella vulgaris applications:
- Chlorella vulgaris has been listed in the EU Novel food catalogue, for food applications, by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), as Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS).
- Moreover, Chlorella vulgaris has been included as a medicinal ingredient in the Natural Health Products Ingredients Database (NHPID) of Canada, and as an active and excipient ingredient in Listed medicines in the Australia Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).
- Additionally, Chlorella vulgaris powder has been approved as cosmetic ingredient in the EU Cosmetic Ingredients (CosIng) database and included in the Inventory of Existing Cosmetics Ingredients in China (IECIC).
Details & Contact
In case you are interested in more technical details, consult our study here. For business purposes contact:
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